“ROMAN is a fast and simple read.”
~ Under the Covers

Oh, Roman.  The stereotypical party boy that needs to tame his ways, both on and off the ice, if he wants to stay on with the team.  He happens to meet and have an instant attraction to the most unlikely girl.  Both because of her looks not being his usual go to, and also because she’s related to the boss.  I really wanted to like this book more than I did.  In the end, although it was a fast read, I think it would be more of a just okay for me story.

I liked Roman’s character quite alright.  I mean, there was nothing that stood out to me to make him memorable.  But he was cute when he needed to be.  Even if some of it was out of place with his original persona.  He didn’t really seem to fight his attraction to Lexi much, which I was hoping he would a bit.  The big conflict was his strain with Gray.  I just thought that was a bit too simplistic.

Lexi, though, I had some issues with.  Not as a character, I actually liked her.  But the whole thing about who she is and how that is received and addressed.  It might’ve all been a little too easily accepted in my opinion.  I jusut kept waiting for more and that never came.

ROMAN is a fast and simple read.  Not my favorite in the series by any stretch.  But it’s romantic and sexy, so if you’re in the mood for something quick and fun then you can give this series a try.




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