“I have to admit that THE FIERY HEART was better in my opinion than THE INDIGO SPELL but was it what I wanted to see? Not so much.” ~Under the Covers
What has happened? Is it possible that Richelle Mead is losing her touch with me? I have to admit that THE FIERY HEART was better in my opinion than THE INDIGO SPELL but was it what I wanted to see? Not so much.
The book starts out a bit slow. Sydney’s sister Zoey is in town and cramping on Zoey’s style. How can she be a rebel alchemist with her sister following her every step? She manages to do so and continues in her pursuit of magic. Her relationship with Adrian is another thing she has to hide and sneak around her sister to continue, but she does a pretty good job at it. I am starting to believe that yes, Sydney is completely in love with Adrian. But her mechanical thought process sometimes can drive me a little crazy. Doesn’t help that I think Adrian should end up with someone with a completely different passion and personality.
Then there’s Adrian. I leave him for last because he’s a major source for my displeasure. I have come to the conclusion that Richelle Mead must really not like Adrian. I have loved his beautiful soul and his cocky attitude from the very beginning. After seeing Rose trample all over his heart, I was glad he would get some happy time even if I didn’t agree with the choice of heroine 100%. But when I have to read about how he constantly puts himself down because he thinks he’s not good enough for Sydney, how she’s so much smarter than him. That she had to explain things using smaller words for his benefit. Really? Those little things just irritated the hell out of me! And it’s not Sydney’s fault, she never made him feel that way. But he needs a confidence boost and I can’t wait to see that happen before my heart just gives up on reading about him getting stepped on.
The book does pick up speed in the last quarter where it seems everything is going wrong and things don’t get any better at the end, where we get hit with a major cliffhanger! The only thing I liked, other than all that going on? The fact that the ending shows some promise for breaking Sydney out of her shell and mental cage in the next book and breaking some more of her molds. She needs to shake up a bit!
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I really enjoyed va but I haven’t been able to get into this and I really wanted to but…..*shrug*
Thanks for the review Francesca.