“Wouldn’t you know it, every page of this novella melted my heart into mush.” ~ Under the Covers

Robin Kaye has become a favorite Contemporary author of mine after falling in love with her Bad Boy of Red Hook series. I usually don’t like to read books that are out of order, but since this is a holiday novella by Robin Kaye, I just couldn’t pass it up. She wrote a short story about childhood sweethearts who gets a second chance at love. Wouldn’t you know it, every page of this novella melted my heart into mush.

What was the saying? If you love someone, set them free. If they come back to you, it was meant to be. It is very cliché, but that is exactly what happened to Jack and Mary. Things did not work out when they were younger, and Jack left town. Fate brings them back together to give them a chance to work things out.

Though it’s been a while since Mary and Jack broke up, their feelings for each other never changed. I love that they were able to jump right in their relationship without feeling any bit of insta-love between them. Considering this was a very, very short story, I thought the romance was well done. Jack and Mary were sweet, sexy and utterly in love with each other.

The Goose, The Gander, And Three French Hens is part of Ms. Kaye’s Domestic Gods series. There were plenty of characters mentioned in this novella, and I am assuming they are from the past novels. I didn’t have a problem reading this novella as my first of the series. Ms. Kaye did a wonderful job making this a standalone read.  Not once did I feel l ike I was missing something.

If you’re looking for a good and quick holiday read, I recommended giving this novella a chance.

Review copy provided by author

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