Another 1 Night Stand and a fantasy come to life. Military psychologist goes on his date and ends up face to face with the woman that has starred in his fantasies, literally. A celebrity. Lauren was convinced by her agent to use the dating service to find someone normal not after her money or using her.This is one of those “sparks right away” and “love at first sight” type stories and I find I don’t enjoy those as much as others. However, this was more of a romance story than anything erotic in comparison to other 1 Night Stand shorts. However it’s a bit slow.
All that being said I think I liked it better than the last story in this particular series by Heather Long. With James not being one of the soldiers that came back from war with issues, but the guy that helps them recover, we have a bit less of the military feel to this story as well.
I did like James as a character, he was not intimidated with who Lauren is and still went for it. Lauren on the other hand was just ok for me.
*Review copy provided by publisher