




Helena Hunting might be one of my new favourite author discovery of the year! ~ Under the Covers

BETWEEN THE CRACKS is a novella that steps away from Hayden and Tenley and focuses on Hayden’s friend and fellow tattorist Chris Zelter and Sarah Adamson, one of the waitresses at the local strip club. At first I was a little worried how I would like this story because one, I LOVE Hayden and want to read about him forever. However, I think BETWEEN THE CRACKS added so much more to the series than if Helena Hunting simply stuck with the main characters.

As a very short freebie, readers will get a glimpse of what happened when Hayden and Chris went to pick up Tenley, only to encounter a major road block and lots and lots of frustration. Just when the good bits started between Chris and Sarah, the novella ends but at least now I am super excited to read the next novella in the series that features Chris and Sarah called CRACKS IN THE ARMOR.

Surprisingly, Hunting is able to add loads of new detail and development in this freebie. A lot of the time freebies tend to hook a reader in, but hardly ever add anything to the existing series. This one does and Hunting’s writing is quite addicting as well. If I’m not careful, I think Helena Hunting might be one of my new favourite author discovery of the year!

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