“Her [K.A. Linde] writing flowed and she kept me intrigued from beginning until the end.” ~Under The Covers
I have thought about how to review this book a few times before writing it. I will not sugar coat it or make it pretty with pictures but simply just tell you what I feel. First, I want to forewarn you that if you are looking for a feel good book or a novel that has a happy-ever-after (HEA) within a book, this is not it. It is quite the opposite. This book is full of angst, false hopes, heartaches and no HEA in sight. It actually sucks the life out of you as you fight with yourself from throwing your ereader across the room. But I rated it 4stars because Ms. Linde knows angst, false hopes and heartaches well. Her writing flowed and she kept me intrigued from beginning until the end. And for that, I applaud her.
Jack and Lexi are college sweethearts that had continued their on and off relationship far too long. It actually started from friendship, which I thought, was cute but had ended badly because one of them cheated on the other. I guess at some point that is realistic for a college life relationship. Always uncertain, and most probably overrun by hormones. The problem is you would hope they learn and grow out of that rut; instead, they keep up with this charade. If they were not cheating on each other, they would cheat for each other…if that makes sense.
Jack is a womanizing jerk, who keeps stringing Lexi along. He is a liar, a cheater and a manipulator… He annoyed the hell out of me! I kept on wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt and he just kept disappointing me because he just wants to have his cake and eat it too. I have known many Jacks in my life and frankly, they are nothing but a waste of time because they never really change. I could be wrong and maybe Ms. Linde will somehow make him the hero Lexi deserves. However, if it were up to me, he can shove that cake where the sun don’t shine and force Lexi to give Ramsey a chance. Unfortunately, It’s not going to happen in this book. Lexi is just way too dumb to see that she’s being played! I can’t blame her, she has a soft spot for Jack and she can’t simply refuse him. Hmmm, okay, I’m sounding a bit hypocritical here because, now I’m thinking, I’m just as bad as Lexi. As much as I disliked Jack, Lexi and the rest of the crew…I could not resist but finished the rest of the book.
Bottom line…Did I hate the characters? Most of the time…especially Jack. Did I almost throw my ipad across the room? Several times…because of Jack. Do I recommend this book? Yes, but only if you like ANGSTY type of books. Will I read Avoiding Responsibility? Yes, only because I want to see Lexi get her HEA. I am hoping Ms. Linde provide a more suiting hero though.
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Thanks for the new to me author recommend Angela!
Thanks Timitra!!!
Thank for the review.
THanks Lori!! =D
Read this book as well and I have never been so angry in my life when it came to reading this book. I hated Jack! LOL
Loved your review!
Definitely trying to find time to read the next book and it’s getting hard since I really want to know if Lexi gets her HEA as well.
Thanks. We should have a petition to get Jack put if the picture. LOL
I heard book 2 is better with less Jack an more Ramsey. *crossing fingers*