“It wasn’t quite the exciting adventure that I was expecting.”
~ Under the Covers
I usually start reviews with a small, non spoilery, synopsis of the books. But, Brave the Tempest is book nine in the Cassie Palmer series; it’s a series so jam packed with action that a short synopsis is beyond my skill and wouldn’t do the series any justice. So, if you haven’t heard of this series, know this, it’s an action-packed urban fantasy series with a heroine that’s dropped into the deep end of the paranormal world and somehow has to survive. Many deadly and hair-raising shenanigans ensue.
I’ve loved this series for such a long time, I’ve eagerly anticipated reading about whatever scrape Cassie is about to be launched into. What madcap action I have to look forward to. What other unlikely set of circumstances will occur that will some how have her and her companions survive by the skin of their teeth. So, when I read a disappointing book in the very same series I adore, it becomes so much worse than if it was a relatively unknown author or series.
This is the situation I find myself in when thinking about Brave the Tempest. I went in fully prepared to love it, as I do with all these books, but the more I read it the more deflated I became. It wasn’t quite the exciting adventure that I was expecting. These books are usually a roller coaster where we whizz past disaster, catastrophe and general mayhem with no room for breath. Brave the Tempest did have the fast-paced adventure and action that I expected, however, I found it to be a much jerkier and needlessly drawn out ride.
I found the scenes to be overly long and not as punchy as I’m used to. Quite honestly, I found myself getting really bored reading this book. The scenes were too long and lost my attention long before they ended. Something that hasn’t been an issue in previous books, normally I am so caught up in the story that it always comes as a surprise when I realise the book is about to end.
Overall, this was a disappointing instalment in this series. It did have its highlights; it looks like the love triangle has been resolved and I enjoyed seeing the more domestic parts of Pythian life being explored, but I felt like the book needed to be ruthlessly streamlined. Will this stop me reading the next book in the series? Hell no, I still love the series and the characters, and most series have a dud in their somewhere, unfortunately, for me, this book was the dud.
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I have had tempt the stars on my tbr for years. These books are so jam-packed that it’s like reading several books at once.
I ended up liking it more than you did, but I also found parts of it dragging. Whew yes to the triangle being over, maybe. Can’t wait for that one coming out at Christmas or the Pritkin story coming out in a few days.
I’ve only read book 1 of this series and decided not to continue.
Thanks for the review Suzanne