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“Crackling chemistry and bone chilling suspense.  DEEPER THAN NEED will leave you bouncing off the walls waiting for the next one.” ~ Under the Covers

Well, Shiloh Walker has done it again.  After a series of novellas that introduce us to the town of Madison, Ohio and the creepyness that crawls around it’s streets, houses and lakes…Here comes the bigger picture, and the bigger suspense.  If you enjoyed the novellas, you won’t want to miss DEEPER THAN NEED.

First of all there’s Noah.  Yeah, he used to be a preacher and an alcoholic.  But don’t let that steer you away.  Noah fell into everything that has happened in his life due to the tragic disappearance of his high school girlfriend.  A dark and bloody mystery that has cloaked the town in suspicion and theories of what may have happened.  Noah dealt with it the only way he knew how at the time.  Drowning his sorrows in a bottle.  Since then, he’s recovered and found that inner strength to make him continue living.  If you can call his lonely existence that.  Until Trinity and her son come into town and need his services.

The slow burn of their relationship, filled with sexual tension to the max, kept me glued to the pages because of the romance.  But the suspenseful plot is what keeps me eating up these books by Ms. Walker.  She has a talent for weaving in all these little clues, and intertwined elements that your mind tries to process and connect as you bounce from one suspect to the other.  I love how she keeps you guessing.

The different POVs in this story is also something I find perfect for the telling of this type of story.  Yes, we are mostly in the minds of Noah and Trinity.  But on occasion we get to see more other people in the town.  I can’t wait to dive into the culprits minds a bit more so I can get truly creeped out!

Crackling chemistry and bone chilling suspense.  DEEPER THAN NEED will leave you bouncing off the walls waiting for the next one.  The official beginning of this series starts off with a bang and I can’t wait for the next installment.  Is it September yet?

Favorite Quotes:

“He wanted to muss her up. Taste her.”

“This went so deep.  It was deeper than need, deeper than desire, deeper than anything.”

*ARC provided by publisher

burnformeBook 0.5 breakformeBook 0.6 LONGFORMEBook 0.7 deeperthanneedBook 1

BURN FOR ME: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
BREAK FOR ME: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
LONG FOR ME: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
DEEPER THAN NEED: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads


[about-author author=”Shiloh Walker”]


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