While this wasn’t my favourite book in the series, the book is still worth checking out to read about the updates on your favourite characters. ~ Under the Covers

FALL FROM INDIA PLACE is a second chance romance involving Hannah Nichols and Marco D’Alessandro. Ellie’s little sister is all grown up now, pursuing her teaching career with a strong determination. The first 20% of the book involves flashbacks that tell the story of how Hannah and Marco met and also about how they came to lose each other. A lot of this early first half gets bogged down by the teaching side of Hannah’s character. I really felt that it slowed down the book and didn’t offer too much to her character.

It isn’t until Marco’s first appearance in the book that things began to pick up at the 25% mark. Naturally, Hannah is very angry to see Marco again after four years. He left her without an explanation and learning that he returned to Scotland a year after he left and never sought her out causes her to react in an unpleasant way. When we find out why he left in the first place, the reveal is anticlimactic as Marco’s reasons were well justified in my opinion.

A lot of the time, Hannah’s reactions to situations often came off as over the top and dramatic. She blames Marco for everything and she isn’t very nice about it when he tries to apologize. I discovered that the main reason why I didn’t enjoy this book as much as the others in the series was because of Hannah’s character. She placed the blame of her unhappiness on Marco too much and her character development suffered because of it.

On the other hand, Cole’s character really shined in this one. He was sweet and charming and very supportive of Hannah. I am looking forward to reading more about him. There are also quite a bit of updates on past couples in the series. You will see them expanding their families with little kids that have a lot to say. So while this wasn’t my favourite book in the series, the book is still worth checking out to read about the updates on your favourite characters.


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  1. I haven’t read anything by her since on dublin street….i’m waiting for my tbr pile to go down…thanks annie