“I was a lot more excited going into this installment then how I feel now.”
~ Under the Covers

I was a lot more excited going into this installment then how I feel now.  I blame this mostly on the fact that this second episode focuses a lot on Dakota Alvarez and the Senator.  From the very beginning we see Dakota as a spoiled brat who couldn’t be bothered to really care about anyone but herself, and I really had no interest in her woes or feelings.  WHITE LIGHTNING goes deep into that.  A lot of the developments around town revolve around her from what we can see in this installment and I was just glad to see it coming to an end.  Yeah, I’m not a Dakota fan.  Is it bad to wish that something bad would happen to her already so she gets a good dose of reality already?

That being said, I still found the whole setup interesting and I can’t wait for all the secrets to boil over and explode in everyone’s face!  Seems like there’s no one there that’s not hiding something that could potential ruin the life they are trying to build or to maintain.

I think in the overall storyline, this one didn’t quite provide enough advancement as I was hoping for but I’m ready for the next.




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  1. I’m not a fan of serials…. hopefully these serials will be released as a book bc some of them seem like they would be really good