“This was a solid start to the series, but it didn’t immediately grab me…”
~ Under the Covers

Jane Yellowrock is the last of her kind; a skinwalker. Although where she comes from and what happened to her people is a mystery, even to her. However, she puts her abilities to use as a vampire killer. Her latest job takes her to New Orleans where she is put on the hunt for a rogue vampire who has taken to killing other vamps. However, the rogue’s odd behaviour has her wondering….is she really the last of her kind?

This series is one that has been languishing on my TBR for years. It’s one of those series that I always mean to start but get distracted away from it by all things shiny and new. However, urban fantasy is a genre I absolutely love but have a hard time finding anything new and that paired with my recent audible subscription had me listening to Skinwalker.

Did this book live up to my expectations after having on my TBR for so many years? Yes and no. This was a solid start to the series, but it didn’t immediately grab me as I had hoped. As you often get in the first book of a an UF, this was jam packed with world building. I can’t deny that it was essential to know and understand the world that Jane was operating in. A world where vampires and witches are out in the open. And, knowing how the vampire hierarchy work was also really important to the plot of the book and I imagine future books. It was fascinating, however, it did make this slower in pace than I would like.

Now we come to Jane Yellowock herself, the lynchpin of this whole book. She was almost too much for me. Jane was a typical overly stereotyped ‘kickass heroine’ and although I enjoyed how unashamedly competent she was sometimes, as this was told in first person, it could be a little much. However, when I really thought about this, I realised this book was written over 10 years ago. So maybe she’s less a stereotype and more of a pioneer. Something I can respect.

I listened to the audiobook for this one, I am fairly new to the audiobook game so I don’t have a lot to compare this to. However, I really loved the narrator Khristine Hvam. She had a lovely southern drawl that perfectly matched the feel and setting of this book. I found her an absolute delight to listen to. So, if you are considering getting this as an audiobook, I highly recommend it.

This was a good start to the series, it perhaps wasn’t as a compelling a start as I hoped for; however, it did enough that I will definitely be reading more in this series.


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  1. I love the Jane Yellowrock series but have never nor never intend to listen to an audible version of it or any other book.
    I think a book suffers when its read by ,essentially, performers…the author creates the voice in my mind’s ear….sorry you were not best pleased.

  2. I enjoy this series. I find that it is slow and I don’t always agree with Jane’s choices. However, I do like how Jane has evolved as a character, which is amusing at times. I have not read the latest book, though, because they are all so packed with information, and I haven’t been in the mood for heavy.