“This was an intense book, not only did Roberts expertly build the world and really make Infinite City come to vibrant life they also packed in plenty of action and of course some sexy romance.”
~ Under the Covers

I feel pretty proud of my love for all things sci fi alien romance related. I’m certainly not shy about letting you all know what I’ve read and recommending my favourites. From my experience of reading all the sci fi alien romance I can get my hands on, I’ve found that you could further split down the genre. You have your complete chedder where it’s so cheesy that you have to suspend disbelief pretty hard but, if you’re like me, you are loving every second of it. And, it’s not always about how alien the hero and heroine is, there are some sci fi romances that fit in this category where the aliens look human. Then there are the books that hold the middle ground, they still have that deliciously ridculous edge but they take themselves a little more seriously.

Finally, we have books like Silent Lucidty. Tiffany Roberts has started building a robust and interesting and dynamic world full of possibilities. It just happens to be in space. And it just happens to have aliens in it. And this is where she has placed our two main characters, Abella, a former dancer, now slave and Tenthil a ruthless assassin. We now have to see if they survive this world and somehow find happiness together by the last page.

I really liked the hero and heroine, at first they seem very different; however, they are both people who have had their freedom taken away and have no control with how others use their body, despite their mastery over it. Abella is a slave with a master who views her as an animal. She has no control over what happens to her, but she is a very talented dancer. Tenthil is an assassin, but not by choice. Stolen as a child and forced into the Order, his choices were to comply or die. They even attempt, and partially succeed, in removing his voice. Now, as an adult the only way to leave the Order is to die. The parellels in their situations were fascinating and gave them insight into eachother that may not have been possible otherwise.

Although the action and romance follows a predictable path, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy it. Abella and Tenthil had great chemistry and their romance was both sexy and touching. However, as much as I enjoyed the romance, it was the complex world that Roberts had started to build that I enjoyed the most and I can’t wait to explore further.

This was an intense book, not only did Roberts expertly build the world and really make Infinite City come to vibrant life they also packed in plenty of action and of course some sexy romance. With events happening fast, it was a very hard book to put this book down and if you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend you picking this book up!


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  1. I like Tiffany Roberts so I would’ve read this anyway, but I’m even more excited after reading this review.