“Madeline Sheehan’s books brand me every single time.” ~Under the Covers

I read a lot of books.  Honestly, a lot of times, plots and characters feel interchangeable and I can’t remember which scene went with what book.  That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy those books, just that they didn’t make a mark on me.

Madeline Sheehan’s books brand me every single time.  They are burned into my memory, they become a part of me.  Why?  Quite simple, actually, and UNBEAUTIFULLY is another great example of what Madeline does often and does well…

UNBEAUTIFULLY grabbed not only my mind, but my heart, from the very beginning.  For a while, it made me soar with happiness even in a world where that’s not the norm.  Soon thereafter it proceeded to beat the hell out of said heart, leaving me bruised and battered, heart aching, tears spilling.  And when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, it punched me in the gut and twisted the knife in a bit more.  Yeah, I admit that from the 50% mark on I was probably crying most of the time.

No, this is not a fluffy book, it’s dark and gritty as you can expect from this series.  No, this is not a “happy” read.  It’s sad, it’s emotional, it’s about the fucked up side of life that some people face and then takes that to the extreme.  It’s BEAUTIFUL and I loved every second of it and every character.

The love between Ripper and Danny was pure and true, and yeah, shit happened.  If it had been anyone else, or another relationship, there would’ve been no turning back.  But they fought for their love and their HEA.

Ripper, well Ripper is damaged.  We knew that, we expected a rough ride.  He was disfigured by Frankie and almost killed in book one.  But he’s still here, just a shell of his old self, seeing himself as a monster.  A monster not only in appearance, but also his work with the MC.  Yeah, Ripper is a badass biker, people ARE afraid.

Danny in all her beautiful innocence was the perfect blend to throw at him and soften his edges.  To bring out the real Ripper.  To make him fall hard.  I loved the fact that their story and their characters were completely different from Deuce and Eva but not less explosive.  Tempers flying and hot, sexy, raw sex to be had.

But I don’t know if I should be happy or sad that this book wasn’t 100% about them.  You know what?  I’m happy.  Deuce and Eva have their own corner of the pages of UNBEAUTIFULLY and it was necessary.  After what happened at the end of UNDENIABLE it couldn’t all fall magically into place and they would be HEA without work.  Ms. Sheehan showed us just how much work it takes to reel Deuce in.  Damnit, but he had to twist the knife in some more in this book because I didn’t have enough to forgive him in the first book.  *sigh*  If you loved him in the first one, you’ll feel the same with this one, but you’ll fall harder for him and his internal struggle.  I know I shouldn’t love him, but like Eva, I can’t help myself.

Then there’s Cage and Tegen.  I NEED.  I NEED NOW.  I CAN’T WAIT.  Ummmm I’ll try to contain my fangirl excitement here because I NEED TO HAVE THEIR STORY NOW, NOW, NOW!!  No, don’t worry, these books don’t end in cliffhangers but you’ll NEED to have more of this world.  So,, please pretty please Ms. Sheehan?  Can we speed this one up a bit? 😉

And since I can’t do this book justice in a review I’m just going to say that although this series is probably not for everyone (faint of heart need not apply), if you haven’t read it, you’re missing out.  Be sure to read them with a stiff drink handy, along with a box of kleenex and plenty of space to curl up in a ball and weep without being bothered.  Then as you try to breathe again, refill that drink.

Favorite Quotes:

***Too many to post all, I highlighted the sh*t out of this book***

“Man like me got no business with a girl like you.  You’re nothin’ but fuckin’ beauty and I’m a whole lot of fuckin’ ugly who’s already halfway to hell.”

Maybe this was how his miserable life was finally going to end: death by pussy.

She was the reason his world was about to shatter again.

It wasn’t the first time a bitch had told him she loved him, but it was the first time he’d wanted to say it back.

“I wanna rip you the fuck open,” he said, breathing harder as his thrusts became brutal.  “I want all of me inside all of you, not just my fuckin’ cock, baby, but all of me.  All of you.”

It was that very moment, a mere pittance in the span of his lifetime, that after he’d lost Danny, would become his happiest memory, the one Ripper would hold closest to his heart and cherish above all others.  The one he’d lay awake at night playing on repeat.
…she still loved him.

“Cox!” Kami screamed, stalking into the room.  “Shut your stupid Mexican mouth!”  Cox glared at her.  “Bitch, I’m Puerto Rican!”
She waves her hand dismissively.  “Whatever.  Don’t you have some lawsn to mow?”
“I’m Puerto fuckin’ Rican!”

“Are we fighting or fucking?”

“All scars tell a story, beautiful girl,” he said, releasing me to trace the marks on my stomach…
“And mine,” he said softly, grabbing my hand, trailing my palm across his cheek and then his chest. “Tell the story of how I found you.”

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  1. Madeline Sheehan has ruined me. Ruined. I loved damaged, flawed, messed up characters but hers are THE best. Love. Love. Love.

    I love that you included the Puerto Rican part. I laughed over that part for a good 5 minutes.

    1. We are both ruined then Debbie LOL I agree her she writes the best damaged characters. And I HAD to include the Puerto Rican part, I wanted to keep typing but then it wouldn’t been to long. You know with the American Indian and Cuban parts LMAO


  2. I really enjoyed the first book so I’m definitely looking forward to reading book 2 in the series!