“…as always it was sexy and romantic.” ~ Under the Covers

Penny’s Protector and the previous book Callie’s Catastrophe are a bit of a mini dulology in this series. So, if you’ve read Callie’s Catastrophe then you’re probably wondering what happened to Penny and S’Bren. Last you heard, Penny had been drugged and carted off by S’Bren, so he could do some wooing. Yes, you read that right. Drugged. However, if it is possible to innocently drug someone, S’Bren did it.

So, I had a little bit of an issue to the whole drugging thing in the previous book, which I talked about in my review. So, as this book and the previous one are happening in tandem and the stories are connected, including the drugging, I need to talk about it in this review as well.

The beauty of an alien romance book is that you can have a completely clean slate. Your characters aren’t bound by the same social mores that will be present in a contemporary romance. Ruby Dixon has done a fabulous job of setting up the ice planet, both in this series and the Ice Planet Barbarians series. We know how the Sa’Khui think. We know their reverence of women and their bone deep disgust of anyone who would do violence upon them. It’s well established and part of the charm of these books. So, when I say S’Bren makes a really stupid mistake by slipping her something extra in her tea, and he did it innocently not knowing the connotations this has, as it is this author, this character and this world, it really is true. Do I want Dixon to do this again? No. But, it didn’t stop me from enjoying this book and, honestly S’Bren has proven to be one of my favourite IceHome heroes.

So, now I have got my thoughts out on this, lets talk about the book and my gorgeous, awkward and adorable S’Bren. It isn’t often that you get a shy and kind of awkward hero, if you’re after a shay, awkward heroine, there’s a battalion of them in romance. But heroes? Not so much. Which, is why I adored S’Bren. He’s been crushing on Penny and trying to court her in his own clumsy way since he first saw her. Only, it isn’t quite working, he can’t quite say and do the right thing. My heart just melted for him!

Penny is just getting used to the world and is fed up of all the restrictions put on her because she’s a female. So when S’Bren kidnaps her and then immediately remorseful about his methods, Penny, gets him to take her to all the places she has been forbidden to go. I loved these two together, although it wasn’t a slow burn, it was as slow burn as these books get! The sexual tension built up as Penny and S’Bren really got to know, and fall in love, with one another.

I really enjoyed this book, as always it was sexy and romantic. S’Bren really won me over in this book, he likes the simple things in life and wears his heart on his sleeve, adorable. So, although this book has its issues and I would completely understand if you decide to skip them, for me, this is one of my favourites in the series so far.


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