From the very first page when Lady Hero happens to be in a room where Griffin is….fornicating with a married woman, I knew I would love this book! ~ Under the Covers

Lady Hero Batten is engaged to be married to Thomas, the Marquis of Mandeville. But Hero and Thomas have absolutely no chemistry. Itโ€™s a marriage of convenience, not one of love. Lady Hero believes that in time, she could possibly come to love Thomas, but when the Marquisโ€™s brother, Griffin Remmington, Lord Reading enters the picture, she becomes unnaturally drawn to the rake. It seems that Lady Hero has a penchant for the wicked and the wanton because Griffin is really something!

From the very first page when Lady Hero happens to be in a room where Griffin is….fornicating with a married woman, I knew I would love this book! The touch of humor and outrageousness really set the tone in the first scene and it held throughout the entire book! The chemistry is potent and much of the dialogue is key to discovering this chemistry.

Lady Hero and Lord Reading are extremely well-matched. Though they are polar opposites โ€“ Hero, sweet and innocent and Reading, debauched yet charming, youโ€™ve got a couple that donโ€™t seem like they would work at first glance, but as you read, you get their teasing and their easy banter.

I found that Lord Reading was an interesting character. Heโ€™s portrayed to be a shameless rake, bedding woman for the simple pleasure of someone warming his bed. However, thereโ€™s much more too him. You see him as he does his illicit work, you see a more familial side to him as he manages the money and takes care of his family. You also see a gradual change in him when with Hero. Hoyt does a spectacular job of creating a blooming romance that feels authentic and true between Hero and Reading.

Another thing that sets this book apart is Hoytโ€™s writing. Free-flowing and engaging, there was never a dull moment in this book. I simply devoured it and am hoping to return for a reread soon!

Hoyt spends considerable time setting up the next book in the series. And though Iโ€™ve already read SCANDALOUS DESIRES, I believe that Hoyt is a master at writing series. Readers get so emotionally attached to each character even before their books arrive and I think thatโ€™s due to the talent of a writer.

Maximus, Heroโ€™s brother is going to be the hero of the sixth book in the Maiden Lane series, DUKE OF MIDNIGHT! Hence the reason Iโ€™m reading Heroโ€™s book now!



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  1. I have read the whole series! Thanks to your reviews on the “Prince” series that got me hooked on Elizabeth Hoyt. Love her books.