Though not my favorite of Dohner’s work, I still think she’s a great auto-buy author. ~ Under the Covers

MINE TO CHASE is a short novella from Laurann Dohner. Now I don’t actually remember Chase all that much, but when I began reading it, I did find that I enjoyed him quite a lot. Dohner has this unique ability to make every hero of hers desirable. There’s something dark and primal about each of them that make them very appealing.

Also, Dohner’s writing voice is always impeccable, so free- flowing and easy to read. For such a short story, I also thought the chemistry was good. It could have been better, but for only 93 pages, I think the author was able to achieve that in a well-balanced way.

The big thing for me was the plot. I felt like I was reading in the middle of a story where events have transpired already and I’m one step behind. This is not a usual thing with Dohner’s work so I think it might have been this one title where things felt a little jumbled. The novella lost my interest a little bit in some areas, but while most novellas lack in the romance department, I felt that MINE TO CHASE simply lacked in the plotting.

Though not my favorite of Dohner’s work, I still think she’s a great auto-buy author.

*Review Copy provided by publisher

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