I enjoyed the first book in the series, and this book ended up feeling a bit the same for me. I do feel there’s a recurring theme so far of “cop” falling in love with “main suspect” in a supernatural murder investigation, so I’m glad the next book is a bit different.

This time around we meet Cara, a succubus who hates who she is and what she does, so much that she’s decided to remain celibate, and she gets the energy she needs to survive from the human sexual vibes of the patrons at Niol’s club, where she performs a few nights a week. She is a sweet girl, who has suffered in the past and has felt the loss of a loved one. She is also Niol’s very good friend, and we learn a bit more of his background through her and her interactions with him in this book.

Detective Todd Brooks is a very alpha human, who will not tolerate to be left in the dark any longer in regards to his cases, and when it comes to Cara. He should care that she’s the only suspect they have, but he can’t stay away from her.

I have to admit that during the first half of the book I didn’t care for the two of them together. But they did start growing on me. I think they’re very cute together, he protects her, trusts her, and accepts her, and helps her accept herself.

I also enjoyed the very small side story between the medical examiner and the Captain. I wish there was more of them in this book, they were fun and interesting, and I wish they would’ve gotten their own book!!

Now finally onto Niol…

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