“It showed the evolution of a character for good, but wasn’t so much of a change that I would find it unrealistic.” ~ Under the Covers
Hard Limit, book four in the Hacker series, jumps right in where book three left off. Blake and Erica have been through a huge pile of heartache and have come out committed to their future together. Blake, the dominant, mega-millionaire tech investor, has finally relinquished some of his irrational and overpowering behaviors. To a point. Erica seems to have grown a pair and is able to express what works for her and what doesn’t. She’s one curious woman though, and when a past lover stokes the fires, she makes it a point to see where Blake’s dominant streak has taken him. Is it possible for her to go there too? Can she satisfy Blake’s every desire? Will she ever be enough? In the face a daunting business proposition, Erica finds further complication arising from her biological father, Daniel, and a new danger she doesn’t even see coming.
If book three had me questioning Blake’s methods of asserting his dominance, Hard Limit repaired the damage that had been done. Blake is still Blake. He doesn’t lose his need for control, but he’s learned to temper it a bit when he knows it will squash Erica’s growth. I appreciated this so much. It showed the evolution of a character for good, but wasn’t so much of a change that I would find it unrealistic. Erica has found a way to push back at Blake. She takes the revelation of his past BDSM exploration into her own hands and it makes for some tense moments. I was holding my breath to see how Blake would handle it. I was pleasantly surprised. I was also surprised at the focus of the book, which honestly from the title, assumed would be a heavy focus on D/s play. While there is a “CLUB”, it takes a backseat to the real focus of the book, which is the continued development of trust between Blake and Erica, their push towards the “big day,” and the twists and turns her business Clozpin has in store for her. It does seem at times that every possible thing that could go wrong for Erica, does. She’s surrounded by some truly ruthless, jealous, backstabbing investors that even made my mouth gape open. Is it bad to want to see a male hero slap his ex-girlfriend? I’m not into violence, but if ever a character deserved to be put in her place, it’s this one. She doesn’t nearly get what she deserves. Erica certainly rises above it all by the conclusion, but not without a lot of intervention from Blake. Again, I wish he didn’t have to save the day and she could have accomplished all of this by herself, but it’s more than understandable under the circumstances (which you’ll read about and had me questioning which genre I was really reading!). Every other book in this series could almost be romantic suspense, but without the alpha military men lurking around each corner.
I do feel like this series could have ended after this installment. Many suspenseful plot lines are concluded (as far as I can tell) and there’s a beautifully written HEA moment. Blake and Erica seem on top of the world, just where they want to be. This is a good thing, since I believe the final book won’t be around until September.
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Thanks for the review Jennifer
Thanks jennifer….I thought book 3 was series ender for me but maybe I’ll give it another chance with book 4
Thanks for the review, I really want to read this series since all your reviews for each installment have been pretty good.