“This book provoked a lot of emotion in me, the main feeling being complete rage” ~ Under the Covers

The Romance World is a weird and at times wonderful place, the men and women transform in to heroes and heroines and we allow them to get away with so much more than their real life counterparts ever could. The hero has to kidnap the heroine and keep her in a log cabin in the mountains to keep her safe? Perfectly understandable and the log fire just adds ambiance. However, this book crossed the line of what I find acceptable and what just made me so angry that I couldn’t continue reading it without seriously damaging my kindle from a bout of wall throwing.

I would like to qualify this DNF review by saying that I gave it my best shot, I got 67% through before I just couldn’t take it anymore; nobody can tell me I didn’t try. But, I couldn’t continue, Becoming a Jett Girl just made me so angry! I found myself reading, then having to read again as I couldn’t believe what had just happened and that apparently it was still all hunky dory.

Lots of things annoyed me whilst I was reading this, but when it comes down to it, what made me genuinely angry about the book was the hero. He recruits desperate women, women who seem to be almost living on the street therefore having little to no choice but to say yes to his offer of becoming a Jett Girl aka join his little harem – and in the heroine’s case he actually hires someone to MUG her when she at first says no. He then goes and makes them completely beholden and grateful to him, he pays off their debts, pays for an education of their choice gives them food and luxurious shelter….all he wants in return? They have to wear what he says, eat what he says and exercise when he says and are only allowed to have sex with him and regularly get “called” to service him. And, he is of course twisting this all with the skewed view that he is doing it all for them.

It just made me so angry, he picks desperate women off the street…the stunning looking ones of course, normal women need not apply, and uses his position of advantage to get what he wants from them, all in the guise of “helping” them. If he wanted to help the homeless why didn’t he set up a women’s shelter; offer grants; rent affordable housing; give women jobs, which don’t entail sucking him off? No matter how gorgeous Jett is, or whatever he does in the future to try and redeem himself, I can’t help but feel complete disgust for him.

This book provoked a lot of emotion in me, the main feeling being complete rage, however, I don’t quite think that is what the author was going for. I can see from reviews that lot of people have loved Becoming a Jett Girl I just don’t understand why.

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  1. Holy crap no no no no. I would never have made it thought this one – and I can definitely identify with your seething rage feelings!