“Ann Mayburn titled this book so appropriately because I ADORED every single moment of this short story.”
~ Under the Covers

Ann Mayburn titled this book so appropriately because I ADORED every single moment of this short story. I’ve been following Sam and Cody’s story for awhile now and nothing pleases me more than reading about two men who have found love within each other and are able to express that kind of love by bringing someone new into their world.

Mayburn infuses such heart into this little story. It was both touching and heartbreaking. I found myself tearing up multiple times as I read it. Seeing the hope and happiness  in Sam and Cody as they went through the adoption process not only made for an amazing story, but also displayed their personal strength as individual characters and also the strength of their bond. Despite the blow they were dealt, Sam and Cody didn’t give up and I think that was what made this short story so inspiring and touching.

I am hoping that Mayburn decides to write more M/M stories, possibly full length ones so that more readers can experience her writing. I think she has a great voice and can definitely write some steamy M/M scenes. Also, if you’re new to M/M and are unsure if you want to try it yet, I think this series is a good one to test the waters. It has good writing and emotional depth, but is shorter in length (but not in intensity) so I think it’s a good introduction to the M/M genre. I hope readers give this series a shot!




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  1. Great review Ann, I haven’t done any M/M alone books, but always looking for a new experience, will defiantly give this series a go.

  2. Yeah-crazy Kermit the Frog arms- I’m so glad you liked it, Ann. I’ve been farting around with the idea for a M/M full length mystery/suspense book. Unfortunately I have three big books to finish before that. But I will get it done someday. And thank you so much for the compliment about being a good gateway drug for M/M. I try to write my M/M stories in the same mindset that I write M/F, M/M/F, F/M/F, F/F/M, etc. 😉 I want to tell the story about the couple, not focus on what their sexual orientation is. ‘Cause personally I believe that our hearts don’t care about gender. If we meet our soulmate and they happen to be a different gender from what we usually date, there is nothing we can do to resist the pull of our other half.