“…this series is a more laid back urban fantasy that has that small town feel.”
~ Under the Covers

I bought this book when it first released and then forgot all about it.  I’ll be honest, the first book was nice but it wasn’t one of those that leaves you anticipating the next installment.  I can happily say that this book was better and left me a little hooked on the characters and this world so I’ll probably be picking up the next one in this series sooner rather than later.

We follow Lizzie, a witch, and Belle, also a witch and Lizzie’s familiar.  This is not a normal thing and they’ve been on the run from the witch Council.  They’re hiding out under secret identities at a werewolf reservation for a while now hoping to stay under the radar.  But that’s hard to accomplish when there’s wild magic left unprotected and a soul eater comes to town and leaves behind a trail of dead bodies.

The plot in this book was fast paced and kept me interested, like I said more than the first one.  There’s also the slight development of the romance between Lizzie and the werewolf Aiden.  So that probably helped some. 🙂  I can’t wait to see more of that and the threat of discovery from her family to become more of an issue.

Overall, this series is a more laid back urban fantasy that has that small town feel.  I liked seeing the small nods to Christmas as well so it’s a perfect winter book.




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