“…heart warming extra ending for the Valos of Sonhadra series”
~ Under the Covers
If you’ve read the first two book in the Valos of Sonhadra series than the hero of Galvanizing Sol is going to sound familiar. It’s the father of the heroines in book one and book two of the series. A mature man with a high rank in the military who is willing to sacrifice it all to save his daughters lives. However, he along with everyone else crash landed on Sonhadra and is having to survive.
Galvanizing Sol shows Gerard survining on Sonhadra on a seemingly fruitless search for his daughters. However, he manages to find help in the beautiful yet slowly deteriorating cyborg woman Nori. As they travel together their bond grows and the heartstone once again comes in to play. I loved seeing the slight paradigm shift so that the sexy cyborg was a woman and the human was a man.
This novella goes exactly how you would expect, but it’s still a fun and sexy read. It also gives a heart warming extra ending for the Valos of Sonhadra series.
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Thanks for the review.
Awesome review suzanne!! Sounds like a great series!! Shared on all my socials!!
I’m suddenly very into SF. I’ll have to give this series a try. Thanks for the review!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Suzanne
Thanks for this. I was wondering about their father.