“I’m not sure if it was the pacing, but the beginning of the book did feel a lot slower than what Grant usually writes so just keep that in mind while reading. Other than that, however, I still enjoyed the book.”
~ Under the Covers

In book four of the Reapers series by Donna Grant, DARK ALPHA’S LOVER has a different tone than the other books. While it still has the powerful heroine and the mysterious hero, I found that I wasn’t completely invested in the story from the get-go. I wondered if it was because of the hero, and while I enjoyed Fintan, I’m not sure that he’s my favorite of the Reapers.

You can definitely read this book as a standalone, but as always, I recommend reading the series in order. While the hero didn’t completely win me over, I found the heroine, Cat, to be very interesting. She’s on death row basically since everyone in her family has died. She knows she’s going to be next so with that impending doom approaching, I found her character to be the most appealing.

The romance blooms at a great rate, but I did wish for a little more from Fintan. I’m not sure if it was the pacing, but the beginning of the book did feel a lot slower than what Grant usually writes so just keep that in mind while reading. Other than that, however, I still enjoyed the book.




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  1. Great review!! I’ve read Donna grants dragon king series,but I haven’t read the reaper series.I’m going to check these books out!!! ,shared on all my socials!!