Recommended Read!

“Ms. Jones has done a wonderful job setting up the plot and the build up of all characters. This is the best installment by far.”
~ Under the Covers

As I sat down to write this review, the first thing that came to my mind and appropriately if I may say so is “Holymuthafeckingmonkeyshit, this book friggin rocked!” Ms. Jones has done a wonderful job setting up the plot and the build up of all characters. This is the best installment by far.

Charley Davidson continues with her life as a Private Investigator and continues to live in secret as a Grimm Reaper. In this installment, Charley gets a visit from a doctor whose wife is missing. This case is very interesting and halfway through, I almost thought I knew the who, what, and why of it all but Charley’s findings proved me wrong. Charley is good at what she does and solves this mystery.

On the other hand, there is her life as a Grimm Reaper that involves a certain hot Son of Satan. Reyes, the Big Bad is back and he is very mad and for good reasons. This was revealed in Second Grave on the Left, book2. Because of their current situation, Charley falls deeper in lust with Mr. Coffee. Sleepless and over-caffeinated, she is as funny and quirky as ever. Honestly, I have no idea how she never runs out of come backs or the things she thinks or say in general… Oh yeah, her ADD.  I just love her.

Reyes and Charley’s relationship definitely suffers in this book for many reasons; but the biggest is TRUST. Will they overcome it? I really don’t know and it worries me *shrugs*. The good thing is we see a little more of Reyes in his Corporeal self, yes, in the flesh. And he is sweet, lovable, flirts with little girls, and hot as hell *no pun* and he’s funny as…, well, you get what I mean. I just love him!

We see many of the old characters come back. Cookie and UB (Uncle Bob) are funny and sweet as ever.  Gemma, her sister, is around more.  Danger and Will Robinson make an appearance. Garreth takes on a big role, I love him. Mr. Wong is still the same. Misery will get a few scenes. Mistress Marigold will reveal herself and a few more things will unfold. New characters were introduced; Stella the Belly button and Peter the Sausage Link.  Lastly, Psycho Girl with a knife and a bitch Artemis I am sure we will see more of.

The narrator for this series is Ms. Lorelei King who does a wonderful job portraying Charley Davidson to the dot. She brings all the characters to life without overacting. All the voices she used came naturally, and Ms. King nailed every bit of timing for all her jokes, innuendos and emotions. She is THE BEST female narrator IMO.




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  1. Excellent! I loved it too, Lorelei King is just fantastic, she has an uncanny ability to truly get the characters.
    And of course Darynda Jones is just rocking it with this series.

  2. Goodness, yes! The old characters are the best, but I loved the new ones who showed up in Third Grave Dead Ahead, like the sexy biker dude and Artemis. I love fairy godbitches.

  3. I agree! This book got me crying and dropped mu jaw a couple if time with the turn of events!!!!

    I actually just recieved a shirt I won from one of Darynda’s live chat. It’s so cool! It has the quote if the first heading!!! Love it!
    Did you read the short story she posted on her website?!