“The sex is, once again, AMAZING, but the conflict seemed a bit forced…”
~ Under the Covers

In Asking for More, Lilah Pace continues the story of Vivienne and Jonah in a short novella.  The Asking for It series was one of my highlights of 2015.  We got to see two people uncomfortable with their taboo kink find and heal each other, like two puzzle pieces coming together.  The rape fantasy play (you’ve been warned) in the first two installments was off the charts hot and I was so excited to be back for more.  I’ll never turn down time in the bedroom (or stairwell) with these two and the same goes for Asking for More, but I was a bit confused at how this fits into the overall story arc as a separate novella.  Jonah and Vivienne have a slight mishap at the conclusion of a session, which is purely an accident and could have happened in the most benign of scenarios…but Jonah goes overboard with his self-blame and we seem almost back to square one in terms of his insecurities.  Meanwhile, Jonah’s sister has suffered a trauma while living in Belize and Jonah and Vivienne run off together to lend aid.  The sex is, once again, AMAZING, but the conflict seemed a bit forced and much of the novella was spent rehashing the first two books’ plots.  It’s very clear there will be a spin off to the series and I have no doubt that we will see Jonah and Vivienne again.  I just hope that by this point they’re finally comfortable in their roles and we can sit back and watch them play.




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  1. Sorry to hear it was rehashing for the most part of the previous two but I’m excited that there will be a spin-off series since I wanted more of Jonah’s siblings after I read the first two books…Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jennifer