“He just might be the kind of hero you wish would come to life and find you.” ~Under the Covers
I was so very scared to crack this book open. I like Maya Banks but the past few books I’ve read haven’t been my favorites. However, I was excited! This is a new series and as a good cover ho, I didn’t even read the blurbs. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this is a more mature romance. Gone are the unstable 20 year olds full of angst! Thank you Maya Banks! The setup of this story was wonderfully refreshing and one that I happen to like a lot.
The heroine in this story, Josslyn, lost her husband three years ago in an accident. She’s been a shell of her old self for that long. But she’s decided that it’s time to let go and live her life. And that entails exploring what her husband was never able to give her. She feels the need to be a submissive. And for that, she takes matters into her own hands and decides to go to a club. I give her lots of props. She’s a grown woman, who understands her desires and knows it’s time for her to get them. She won’t settle for less!
Then of course there’s her death husband’s best friend and business partner, Dash. Dash has been in love with her for years, always knowing he wouldn’t ever have her. And after his best friend died, he’s been there for support. A friend, but never pushing for more because she wasn’t ready. And then he sees her walking into the club and he knows if she wants to experiment it won’t be with anyone but him.
The backstory between these characters really propelled the story forward for me. I love that they got a chance at love after thinking it was all gone, and that there’s an HEA for them. Their chemistry was great, the sex was hot. Dash is sexy, even though he was a Dom with kiddie gloves sometimes. His affection for Josslyn came through with everything he did. He just might be the kind of hero you wish would come to life and find you.
Fans of the Sweet series will be happy to find that LETTING GO goes back to the basics of that series. We even get to visit Damon’s club (and I am still secretly waiting for a cameo from the hunky Dom and club owner). The only thing that this books didn’t have that was a more prominent element to the Sweet series is the suspense. The conflict in this book pretty much revolved around the characters and their lives. The acceptance of the BDSM lifestyle and letting go of the past. My only complaint with this book was that I wanted a bit more conflict. Yes, I know. Masochist that I am.
I am very excited to see what Ms. Banks does with the next book. Loving the setup already!
*ARC provided by publisher
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I really enjoy Maya Banks work and I’m looking forward to reading this new series.
I know that scared feeling Francesca, she’s a hit or miss for me so I’m always scared to start reading one of her books.
Same here…but I do like that it’s more mature
I love anything and every that this author puts out, can’t wait to read this one
sorry that was suppose to say everything