“While still showing a glimpse of Megan Hart’s flair, DON’T DENY ME just didn’t quite connect with me. I’m sure the next one she writes will!” ~ Under the Covers
Mick and Alice, sigh. I read this as a serial in the three parts that are being released. I have mixed feelings about the story as a whole, and this is really annoying me because Megan Hart is one of my favorite authors. But I don’t think this is the best example of her work.
So Mick and Alice used to date. They had a bad break up and haven’t communicated since. But they are still friends with the same group of people and there’s a weekend getaway coming up that they are both attending. Mick wants another chance with Alice. Alice doesn’t want to get hurt again. And that’s where they’re at in the first part. I actually enjoyed the premise up to that point, without knowing the past and what they had gone through.
As the story progresses, going back in time and what broke them up I couldn’t help but first be sympathetic to Mick. Yeah, he has some issues but wow Alice was just a bit too much and too needy for me to handle. She made me want to pull my hair out at times. But then he showed his true colors as well, and he wasn’t any better than her!
By the time we get to part 3, I just wanted a resolution. I wasn’t necessarily so invested as to the result, will they end up together or not. But I guess they are both thick-headed enough to deserve each other. Instead of growing to like the characters despite their flaws, I just wanted to be rid of them. And that is hard for me to say about a Megan Hart book.
While still showing a glimpse of Megan Hart’s flair, DON’T DENY ME just didn’t quite connect with me. I’m sure the next one she writes will!
*ARC provided by publisher
[about-author author=”Megan Hart”]
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thanks for the review francesca
Thanks Francesca for the review
Thanks for the review.