
ย Carefully leading readers astray as she expertly weaves a complex plot, Robb takes readers on a journey along with Eve. ~ Under the Covers

Roarke, the ever gorgeous, forever favourite hero of my heart happens to find the dusty old bones of two young teens between the walls of his newest project building. Left with no other choice but to put a halt on all other construction, he calls up his kickass wife and gets cracking on the newest case with Lieutenant Eve Dallas. At the end of the day, there is more devastation to occur when they discover twelve dead bodies, all young women between the ages of twelve and fourteen.

The building used to be an old shelter for abandoned kids. Eve backtracks a little into the past to visit the owners of the organization and presses until she gets a lead. However, with the remains of the bodies being fifteen years old, Eve is running out of avenues to explore. But when a close friend is able to assist them, Eve is positive that she can catch the killer who preyed on innocent young teenage women and hopes to bring justice back to them.

Robb takes it slow in this instalment of the series. Carefully leading readers astray as she expertly weaves a complex plot, Robb takes readers on a journey along with Eve as they try to catch the person who took advantage of these innocent lost kids. As young as some of these girls are, Eve finds herself more inclined to help them because of her own past and the parallels that some of the girls experienced in their abusive homes, which caused them to run away in the first place. Though itโ€™s difficult to say, I think Eve is really learning how to keep herself out of the cases she works on with the help of Dr. Mira and Roarke. As tough as she acts, Eve definitely has her moments of vulnerabilities. Roarke and Mira are there to help her overcome them when they weigh her down.

Roarke is eternally present in every book of this series but I felt that he was pushed a little to the side in this one. Though I would have love to read more about him, I also found that I didnโ€™t mind it either as I was absorbed in the mystery aspect of the book. The romance takes a step back and for a series that runs strong for 38 books, I think thatโ€™s fine by me.

As always, I cannot end an In Death review without the ceremonial Gandy Candy. Enjoy, ladies!

gandy suit

*ARC provided by publisher

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  1. Ihuu,I’m way behind with this series ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’ve read first three books from In Death,I plan to read very soon fourth book ๐Ÿ˜€
    Great review Annie ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I cannot wait to get started on this!!! My problem is that I can’t decide if I want to read, or listen to it, first, lol. I love that we share a healthy Gandy/Roarke obsession Annie, I can always count on you for scrumptious pics ๐Ÿ˜‰ Great review!!