
“My absolute favorite part of this book is the sexual tension.” ~Under the Covers

I’ve always loved everything Carrie Lofty writes, but BLUE NOTES is a new genre.  Different genres also translate into different writing styles and BLUE NOTES, as much as I wanted to love it, it didn’t quite hit the mark for me in some aspects.  But I tend to have some issues with new adult genre characters.

The narration felt a bit jerky at times, which kept throwing off my concentration in the story.  Then some of my usual new adult problems were there, as I mentioned before.  The heroine can be a bit immature at times, especially towards the end.  She’s had a rough past and I was expecting her to be a bit more grown up.  There was a misunderstanding that had me worried for a while that would be dragged on.  Luckily it didn’t.

I usually love stories that center around music, there’s just an intensity to them that feels very real to me and involves you.  That part of this story I really enjoyed.  Keeley not only plays piano, but composes music.  Seeing her get lost in the moment while she’s composing was quite enjoyable and it fit with some of the more strange quirks of he personality.

All that being said, I loved the hero.  Cajun and sexy, he’s older than Keeley, he’s refined.  He’s a business man.  But he’s also young and playful enough when going after Keeley.  I was just as enthralled with him as Keeley was.  She doesn’t know at first who he is and their banter and chemistry is palpable from the beginning.  I wouldn’t call them enemies to lovers but they do start off on the wrong foot.  But Jude was fast at winning her over.  She’s just that refreshing spark he needed in his life of commitments and responsibilities.

And did I mention Jude is hot?  As in physically and knowing what to do with that physic?  Yeah, he’s got moves!  My absolute favorite part of this book is the sexual tension.  That loss of inhibitions.  Testing the waters and taking things a step farther.

While there were some bumps in the road, I enjoyed my time with Jude and Keeley!


*ARC provided by author

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  1. I rated this 3.5 stars I wanted to love it too but I just couldn’t for reasons I won’t post here since I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.

  2. Hmmm may pass on this then or wait when I don’t have something to read (ha!) …thanks francesca and timitra