“Lisa Renee Jones stepped it up in this second installment of the Inside Out Trilogy. She has given her readers a BREATHTAKING experience through this well written and well planned out story. The mystery and plot thickens, the romance is stronger, and steam level is scorching. Being Me is definitely a UTC Top Pick for 2013 ” ~Under the Covers
Lisa Renee Jones stepped it up in this second installment the Inside Out Trilogy. She has given her readers a BREATHTAKING experience through this well written and well planned out story. The mystery and plot thickens, the romance is stronger, and steam level is scorching. Being Me is definitely a UTC Top Pick for 2013.
There are three things I love most about this book. The first is the ROMANCE AND STEAM FACTOR. Chris and Sara’s relationship truly takes off, and the commitment becomes more tangible. Though they still have some trust issues, you will see them attempt to work things out, and they WILL give in to their feelings and desires. I cannot tell you details to the steam factor, but I can tell you that Chris and Sara really heat things up. Ms. Jones took this series to a higher level and ventured from steamy to scorching hot.
Next is the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTS. The characters really take shape and most of your questions about them are answered. You will get to know how a thousand shades of screwed up Chris Merit truly is. This guy can be such an ass but oh, so romantic, seductive and extremely protective, a total alpha of our time. We also get to know more of Sara. Her past will be revealed and why this journey matters to her. Mark Compton’s character also takes shape. I know a lot of people would like to know more about him. In this novel, you get to see his life outside the gallery. Let me tell you, his life outside the gallery is undeniably intriguing and it will make you BEG Ms. Jones for a story of his own. And last, we get to know more of Rebecca. In this matter, I cannot say any more except you will get what you asked for.
And at last, the exact thing that kept me at the edge of my seat, the MYSTERY AND SUSPENSE. Where the heck is Rebecca and who the hell is her Master? That has always been the goal isn’t? Well, I can tell you right now that your questions will be answered. You will find out who, what, where and the why of it all. As Sarah continues to work for the gallery, all the clues will unfold. And let me tell you, the answers STUNNED ME. I was in UTTER SHOCK due to the twists and turns of events in Sara’s journey to finding Rebecca. Ms. Jones certainly had me guessing and when she unveils the mystery, I was left with my jaw to the floor.
I give a standing ovation to Ms. Jones for a job MAGNIFICENTLY WELL DONE.
If you haven’t read If I Were You, I strongly suggest that you do before indulging with this one. And I also recommend Rebecca’s Journals for a richer experience, though it is NOT needed.
*ARC Review provided by author for an honest review
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Thanks for the review Angela. I need to read this series.