“That’s the thing about Singh’s writing style and with this series in particular, you may have some particularly cold characters, but when their story comes, there’s a sweetness to them that Singh is always able to deliver.”
~ Under the Covers
I wasn’t sure what my expectations were when entering this book, but Nalini Singh pens a great story for The Hummingbird and Titus. I wasn’t sure how I would like these two together, but the story ended up being quite sweet. That’s the thing about Singh’s writing style and with this series in particular, you may have some particularly cold characters, but when their story comes, there’s a sweetness to them that Singh is always able to deliver.
Although it’s not my favorite book in the series, I enjoyed many aspects of this book, especially the writing style. Far more detailed and eloquent, Singh pens poetry with this series and it’s one of my favorite things about it. You still get to see a lot of the other main characters in the series and see how they interact with the couple. I definitely think Illium’s books is in order though. It’s been far too long a wait and I’m dying to read about my favorite character of the series already!
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I was delightfully surprised about this pairing, too, Ann.
I love this series but still have Archangel’s Storm on my tbr. I love Elena and Raphael and enjoy the other characters, I just don’t want to have to read their stories in order to keep up with the goings-on in the series.
I loved this audiobook.