Recommended Read!

“There’s a reason why this series is so popular and it’s because there’s nothing else out there in the universe like it.”
~ Under the Covers

There are fourteen books in this series and despite how long these books are, the series doesn’t feel very long and I think this is mainly due to the fun personalities that this book has. In all my reviews for this series, I always state how much I love Kitty. She’s got a little bit of sass and spunk, but at the same time, she’s also very responsible too. And her work as First Lady doesn’t really change her. I like that about her. She is who she is and no matter what comes her way, nothing really seems to faze her.

First off I want to say that if you’re thinking about trying this series, you can probably get away with reading one in the middle of the series because Koch has a short recap of events at the beginning of every book. Now you probably won’t get the full effect as reading all the books would have, but it’s still enough to clue you in on what’s happening and also it’s a great refresher for those of us who have forgotten some details. Even then, scattered throughout the books are details that will help guide you so although it can be daunting to try because each book is almost always above 500 pages, Koch makes it easy to follow along.

The other thing I want to mention is Jeff. It’s quite likely that Jeff might be my favorite character in this series. I love Kitty, but I love her even more when Jeff is around. Although he is President, he hasn’t really lost what makes me love him. So despite all the politics and the worldbuilding in this book, there’s also a really good romance as well. Kitty and Jeff might actually be one of my fave couples of the year. I just love reading their interactions with one another and I don’t see as many people talking about them which is why I wanted to shed some more light on them as a couple.

Once again, Gini Koch has surpassed my expectations. Authors, if you want a lesson in worldbuilding and complex politics, Koch’s books are the ones you need to read up on. She does it flawlessly and the execution is spot on every time. There’s a reason why this series is so popular and it’s because there’s nothing else out there in the universe like it.




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