“There are some things about it that worked and others still didn’t.”
~ Under the Covers
I haven’t had the best experiences reading this series as it’s been a bit of a like and not for me. However, I was interested in this couple from the first book and I just HAD to read it! There are some things about it that worked and others still didn’t.
What worked for me:
- The friendship. As much as there is an age difference (Leo is sooo young!) it was nice to see them taking the time to establish a strong friendship bond instead of jumping into a physical relationship right away.
- Character growth. This is probably more on Leo’s part I think because Will was a bit more hardheaded and set in his ways and I don’t think he really changed/opened up much. But Leo starts off this story as an impressionable 18 year old, romantic and in love. He gets dose after dose of reality and he takes those things in stride and learns the lessons he needs to in order to grow. In the end, he isn’t perfect, but he is better. And I always enjoy seeing a character evolve throughout a story.
What didn’t work:
- Sadly… Will. Not completely, I didn’t hate his character. But I found his reasoning behind why he keeps himself closed off and doesn’t want a relationship to be a bit shallow. Then his treatment of Leo at times was nothing short of callous. And I don’t think I saw a turnaround in that way of acting fast enough for me.
- Scene transitions. I had to re-read parts several times because when I thought we were still in one scene but apparently we had jumped into a different one. The scene transitions in this story are not very smooth and made the reading of this a bit bumpy and choppy.
So in the end, I’m glad I read this but I’m not sure that I will continue from here.
[about-author author=”Roan Parrish”]
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Boo…thanks for the review Francesca
Ugh I get so frustrated when I really like characters but don’t like how the author tells their story
Thanks for the review, I have book 1 on my TBR pile but book 2 I read a few MEH reviews and if book 3 is MEH I may just skip.