“I’m sad to say I couldn’t get over the boredom and even though I finished it I can’t say it was a great read.”
~ Under the Covers

I was very excited about reading this book because I’ve read Susan Mallery’s contemporary romances before (some of the Fool’s Gold series) and I wanted to try a different genre by her.  Plus the premise of the story seemed to have everything I was looking for in a summer read.  This is about three half siblings who didn’t know anything about their father or their family until the father died and their grandfather decided to track them all down.  Different ages, different pasts.  And they all need to learn to deal with their new family as well as move on with their lives.  I thought this would be very interesting. Instead, the execution fell flat for me.

I actually liked all the characters in this story and the main issues presented.  But I didn’t care for the actual reading experience.  I found myself constantly bored.  There was a lot of day to day detail that I found wasn’t getting me to any kind of point fast.  It’s slow moving and in the end nothing really caught my interest enough.

There are two romance storylines as well for the older siblings of the bunch.  One of them I didn’t have much of a problem with.  But the other was the biggest case of insta love.  Guy sees girl and without even talking to her knows she’s special and not like his other string of women and pursues her pretty strongly.  I just can’t buy into that kind of scenario, it’s probably just on me.

In the end, I’m sad to say I couldn’t get over the boredom and even though I finished it I can’t say it was a great read.


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  1. Not my mind of read,too bad it wasn’t a better read.ty! For your honest review Francesca! Shared on all my socials!