Recommended Read!

“TOUCHED BY LOVE really is a touching love story that will no doubt have readers wishing for more.”
~ Under the Covers

TOUCHED BY LOVE is the sixth book in the Love in Bloom: The Remingtons series. As a new fan of Melissa Foster’s I’ve been loving reading all these new books by her. As you can tell by the series name, all her books are connected somehow and they are almost always spin offs from another series. However, as I haven’t read any of the other books in this particular series yet, I still believe that you can read this as a standalone.

From reading a handful of Foster’s books it’s clear to see that she loves writing her romances. I can’t think of another author who really takes the time like Foster does to build that romance from the ground up. Every page, every word is there to make the reader fall in love alongside the characters and Foster is really able to cement the fact that these two characters belong to one another.

Janie Jansen is a very independent and strong heroine who also happens to be blind. While authors tend to describe their characters as a “blind heroine” etc., Foster really makes sure that there is depth to Janie and strives to prove that the disability she has doesn’t define her. Janie is in no way shape or form in need of help.

But when she stumbles in the subway and has a near death experiment, Firefighter Boyd Hudson is there to offer a hand. At first, Janie is quite hesitant to offer help but Boyd proves that his intentions are all pure.

Between the two, there are plenty of jokes and flirting, which does an amazing job of not only building the romance, but it cuts the tension of the situation a little bit so that there is room to grow. As we start to see Janie falling for Boyd, readers get swept up in the romance while also learning something along the way.

TOUCHED BY LOVE really is a touching love story that will no doubt have readers wishing for more.




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  1. “I canโ€™t think of another author who really takes the time like Foster does to build that romance from the ground up. Every page, every word is there to make the reader fall in love alongside the characters and Foster is really able to cement the fact that these two characters belong to one another.” I love the sound of this so I’m definitely adding her to my wishlist! Thanks for the review Annie

  2. I agree she writes romances very well… writing a character with a disability is difficult so I’m interested to see how melissa foster does… also, thanks for stating that it can be read as a standalone

  3. Annie, I’m so glad you enjoyed your first Remington book! This book took a lot of research, but it’s been a very rewarding experience. Thank you for your amazing review! XOXO

  4. Heard about the books of Melissa Foster,but I haven’t read,looking forward to read,sounds great this book ๐Ÿ™‚