“The drama in this installment is at an all-time high and the pacing of this story was really good, so kuddos to Dee Davis for that.”
~ Under the Covers
The end is here! Well, the end of this season which is exactly what I thought it would be. The big blowout of truths that comes out and leaves you hanging until the next season. As any good soap opera should do. The thing about it is that although this was a good installment in conveying exactly what had to be, I’ve lost steam along the way and I don’t care about the outcome as much.
Of course I saw it coming about who it would be that would air out the dirty laundry, and I’m sort of happy it was her because I disliked her to begin with. But also, I thought from the beginning I would have more sympathy for Gini Moreno and I don’t anymore. I think she has it coming, whatever comes her way.
There is one last bit of crazy drama that happens in this book with another couple that we briefly glimpsed in a previous book. You sort of knew this had to be coming. But I don’t think what actually happened was so believable. I mean, the sex was believable and I think they’re a cute couple. I mean the afterwards part. How these three characters dealt with the emotions of the moment. Just didn’t buy it.
The drama in this installment is at an all-time high and the pacing of this story was really good, so kuddos to Dee Davis for that. Overall is one of my favorite ones in the series in terms of execution. But I think because of how I started feeling about the series in general I couldn’t give it a higher rating.
Will I continue? I don’t know. We will have to revisit that when the time comes.
[about-author author=”Dee Davis”]
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Thanks for the review, I don’t think these are for me.
Yeah…me either…which is a shame because there are a lot of good authors
Thanks Francesca for the review