“The a magical world that closely connects to the botanical world was intriguing. However, I just could not get into this book”.
~ Under the Covers
DNF is a rare occurrence for me so having to stop reading this book was tough. These Rebel Waves’ storyline has potential. The a magical world that closely connects to the botanical world was intriguing. However, I just could not get into this book. Not so much due to the storyline, but how it was told. The third person POV approach killed me. I kept wanting to know more about the characters, but I felt like I could not get close enough to know them. There was no connection nor did I feel compelled to get to know them. I had to cut my losses at 15%.
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Thanks for the post, I rarely DNF but it happens.
It’s so disappointing when a storyline with potential just misses the mark.
oh sorry to hear this one didn’t work for you! Third person POV but Deep is my fav. When it is Omniscient third person POV it is hard for me to connect with the characters,
Too bad, nice cover too! Ty! For your thoughts angela. Shared on all my socials!
That’s unfortunate. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Angela