“This book made me feel like a cold hearted b*tch.”
~ Under the Covers

I took my time starting this book and in the meantime I saw so many people crying over the angst in this book that I went into it with certain expectations.  THE UPSIDE OF FALLING felt sort of like a new adult novel to me.

Our hero, Colby, is a damaged boy trying to follow his goals and make a life for himself.  There’s flashbacks to his childhood and those were incredibly sad and let the reader understand why Colby is the way he is.  And then there’s current day Colby, who is determined not to let a thing like love be a distraction for him.  As a character, I couldn’t help but like Colby.  But I didn’t quite fall in love with him, either.

This book made me feel like a cold hearted b*tch.  I wanted to feel that angst everyone was feeling.  I wanted to have my heart broken by this story.  But it didn’t do any of those things.  It actually felt kind of straighforward and maybe tad simple at times, which would make it feel boring a few times.  That doesn’t mean I didn’t like the main couple, because I did.  The story just never got to me as I was hoping it would.

This book ends on a cliffhanger, as is to be expected with a duet.  And here’s another thing.  I saw that twist in the end coming from a mile away.  Once that last scene starts rolling, I was waiting for the moment I would be proven right and then it happened.  There was no shock in it for me and that also took something away from the story for me.  Do I think someone else would feel the same about the ending?  Probably not, I think most people won’t see it coming.

The thing that this book does leave me with is the feeling that we got the pretty side of the story and now the emotional rollercoaster will be unveiled in the next book.  The past is behind and now we have the mess of the future to see.  And THAT I can’t wait for.


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  1. Thanks for the review, I’m not an angst fan so I prefer straightforward. I don’t do cliffhangers unless all books are released.