“I’m still feeling a little bit grumpy about this book.”
~ Under the Covers

I’m still feeling a little bit grumpy about this book. It was one of my most highly anticipated books of 2019, both because I have enjoyed the previous books in the trilogy and because it is a finale. I wanted something epic, something that would keep me on the edge of my seat, I wanted to go through emotional highs and lows. Sadly, instead of highs and lows I got a long plummet into disappointment and yes…boredom.

This book was all logistics. They would talk for pages and pages, chapters and chapters about what they were going to do, the battles they were going to fight. Then, it came to the actual battle, and it was over in a few pages. Now, it’s not like I want a book bogged down by bloody and explicit battle scenes. But, a little excitement would have been great. It’s a book with good and evil, magic and magic folk, prophecy and love, and yet I was kinda bored throughout most of it.

And, speaking of romance. This was another lacklustre area of the book. They are supposed to be a destined couple, foretold by prophecy, chemistry and conflicting emotions should have been sparking everywhere. Instead…it fell flat for me. It felt like they decided to be in love, and then that was that. But an actual relationship wasn’t really shown on the page.

I also found that this book was very simplistic in it’s view of good and evil. There were no shades of grey. You were either “good” and therefore an irritatingly nice paragon of virtue who never made any mistakes. Or you were “evil” and liked to murder babies and torture people. It was almost childish in its perception of human nature, leaving this book with very little nuance.

As you can tell, I was really disappointed in this book and my disappointment is so great because I adored the first book Year One. It had so much potential, I loved seeing their fight for survival in a rapidly changing world. But this book has such a different vibe and, for me, it didn’t work. At all.

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  1. I liked the book, for the most part, until the final battle. With two previous books building up to an epic battle I was as disappointed in the actual battle. It had barely begun and then was just…over. I expected more for the end of a trilogy.