“Great characters, settings, side characters but ultimately… I didn’t connect with the romance…”
~ Under the Covers

This may be a hard review to write because there are things about this book that I enjoyed and others that just didn’t work for me.

What I loved?

  • This book has the holiday and winter spirit without shoving the actual holidays down your throat.  I admit I’m usually a fan of the latter, but sometimes it’s nice to just have a story that feels like it could be happening right now with all the winter vibes and a touch of celebration.  In this case, I also loved that Alex stays true to his views on Thanksgiving and is excited about celebrating Chanukah.
  • There’s men who love baking and adorable animals.  What more can you ask for?
  • Corbin Wale has been an outcast his whole life and he’s had to learn to live alone.  My heart broke for him several times throughout this story.  It was beautiful to see him slowly break out of his shell.

What I didn’t love?

  • This felt like a case of insta-love for me.  With a character as closed off as Corbin, the initial attraction Alex felt towards him and the need to protect him felt a bit over the top to start with.  As the book progressed I would’ve bought into that more but the quick initial connection threw things off for me.
  • There was something missing to their connection by the end of this book for me and ultimately I didn’t buy into the romance.

Great characters, settings, side characters but ultimately… I didn’t connect with the romance like I wanted so this book fell flat for me.




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