“I love the attention to detail and all the different storylines in this book.”
~ Under the Covers

Fantasy lovers have a big reason to rejoice! I was very excited and almost surprised when Anne Bishop announced that she would be returning to the world of the Black Jewels and would be writing a new book. However, I was excited to see how this return would pan out.

Much like the other books in the series, there are multiple points of views in this novel. I really love this because it gives the readers something always to look forward to. It never stalls and you’re bound to find your favorite character amongst the cast.

This is one of the series I find that are sometimes out of my limit. There are times when I really enjoy the storyline and the characters but since this is a Fantasy series, there are also a lot of twists and turns and I find that I don’t always like them. However, I am able to get out over and still enjoy the story as a whole. It’s just that sometimes straight-up Fantasy can be a lot to handle sometimes.

Nevertheless, I love the attention to detail and all the different storylines in this book. You can tell that Bishop spent a lot of time working out the small stuff so that it creates a smooth storyline. I hope to read more in the series!


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  1. I absolutely loved the BJT and didn’t like where the author went with a few main characters so I stopped there. But this world is absolutely amazing!