“I enjoyed the fact that Reisz has returned to this world and I’m hoping that more books will come from this series, especially if they center around Kingsley!”
~ Under the Covers

Tiffany Reisz is back with another Original Sinners book! THE PRIEST marks book nine in the series and I would read the series in order. Although this reads fine as a standalone, you wouldn’t know the context and history of the characters in the book.

I’ve noticed that Reisz has gone for a different tone in this book. THE PRIEST has a bigger emphasis on a murder mystery. As a lover of Mysteries, I was really intrigued by this concept. At the beginning of the book, a priest is dead and it is believed to be a suicide. However, Nora is the last person who was in contact with the priest, so they want to know what happened.

I felt like Reisz was trying hard to make this book more interesting with the mystery. I liked it, but also felt like it was kind of out of place in some areas. I still don’t really know how I feel about it. I think for some people who don’t normally read Mysteries, then this might be enough for them to enjoy. But since I read a lot of them already, something about this one just didn’t click fully for me. Nevertheless, I do applaud the author for trying something new.

A lot of the characters are still present in this book. The character that I was most excited about is Kingsley obviously. He’s my favorite character of the series and to be honest, I wish there was more scenes with him. I could read about him all day. He’s just so fascinating to me.

I enjoyed the fact that Reisz has returned to this world and I’m hoping that more books will come from this series, especially if they center around Kingsley! Please write more books about him!


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