Recommended Read!

“From this collection of standalones featuring sexy Scot men, THE PLAY is so far my favorite.”
~ Under the Covers

Kayla started out as the less lovable to me of the heroines in this group of friends.  She’s a bit too harsh, bitchy, slutty even?  So when THE PLAY starts off she’s staying away from men, and that’s when she meets sexy Scot Rugby player Lachlan MacGregor.  Of course related to all the sexy MacGregor’s we already know and love.  But he has a much darker past and wears that broodiness on his sleeve.  Catnip really for Kayla.  And quite frankly, for me.

What starts out as a work assignment for her as she interviews Lachlan for an article ends up with an incredible amount of chemistry they just can’t resist.  I really enjoyed the process and the pacing of their relationship and how it built up to a deeper connection.  As much as it’s fast, it made sense and made me believe it.

What I enjoyed the most though, was the more emotional side of the story.  Both characters are damaged, and neither really considers themselves worth of anything good happening to them.  But in the end they are both there to help the other through the harder times.  Or to motivate them through.  And in the end realize they deserve happiness and they can get it together.

I have to mention the dogs, though.  As an animal lover, I couldn’t have loved this aspect of the book more and how it integrated with the story.  They were like the secondary characters for me.  And the love our main characters showed to them was another one of my favorite things.

From this collection of standalones featuring sexy Scot men, THE PLAY is so far my favorite.  It’s emotional in all the right places without making the whole book overly angsty.  It’s bursting with sexual chemistry!  And it feels a bit more grown up than the other two.  I really enjoyed this one!




[about-author author=”Karina Halle”]


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Under the Covers Recommended Read

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