“The witty word play between the hero and heroine was fantastic”
~ Under the Covers

Julia Quinn is the master of light hearted and fun historical romances and she once again proves this in the latest installment of the Rokesby series. Who else could make being chloroformed, kidnapped by pirates, kept captive on a ship and then kidnapped again on foreign soil a fun and romantic romp?

I really enjoyed this adventure, both the hero and heroine were very likable, especially the heroine. She was clever, spirited but sensible and I admired her composure in the face of the potentially dangerous situation she found herself in. But, what had me rapidly reading the pages was the excellent dialogue. The witty word play between the hero and heroine was fantastic and I am hard pressed to think of another author who writes such great dialogue.

The romance itself was very…nice. The romance blossomed as they got to know one another although the initial attraction was there. But if you are after something hot and explosive then this isn’t the book for you. When you fancy something more gentle, but very sincere none the less then this is the perfect read.

However, although I did like this book it didn’t quite capture me as Quinn’s original Bridgerton series did. It somehow lacked the depth the family dynamics lent the original series. Instead of being a read that you will come back to again and again, I find this is book that I have read and enjoyed but am unlikely to remember too far in the future. Which is unfortunate, I love Quinn’s style and some of her books are on my all-time favourites list.

If you want something witty and fun then you can’t go wrong with this excellently written historical romance. And, if you haven’t checked out Julia Quinn’s original Bridgerton series then you need to read, you will be in for a real treat.


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  1. Suzanne: Do you like the Rokesbys or the Bridgertons better? Personally, I think the Bridgertons are better but learning more of the Rokesbys before the Bridgertons shows a great view of how the families came about. Great honest review!

    1. The Bridgertons for sure, although I do enjoy this series, it has me hankering for the original series. But I do agree, in this book they mention Violet (the mum) and how she’s just got married and is popping out babies and I got a little thrill!
