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“Blake gets to the real heart of the matter and explores her character’s fears so deeply that you can’t help but get lost in them.” ~ Under the Covers

I’ve been of fan of Toni Blake’s ever since I read One Reckless Summer. She’s one of those authors that doesn’t get as much attention as I think she deserves so whenever I get the chance, I always tell friends to try out her books. Her Destiny series, and now her Coral Cove series, have become one of my top favorites in the genre because of Blake’s ability to create such touching, loving stories for her readers.

Blake’s story are always character focused but I feel that is the most true with this book. Tamra is a character we’ve followed through the series so far. She’s the artistic soul of the group who tends to stay where she is comfortable. While she’s kind and strong-spirited, she also has a lot of vulnerabilities, namely the ability to trust others. She doesn’t open up to many and often hides in her garden where she feels most comfortable. But at her age, she’s starting to miss things like romance and companionship. She yearns for sex but doesn’t see any possible candidates in Coral Cove who may fit this.

Jeremy Sheridan suffers from PTSD. Blake does a fantastic job of conveying this throughout the book. At first glance, Jeremy doesn’t seem like much of a catch. With the homeless vibe is he giving off, it deters Tamra away from him and when you add in his nasty attitude in the beginning, it’s clear that these two are going to butt heads.

But then Blake gets to the real heart of the matter and explores her character’s fears so deeply that you can’t help but get lost in them. This isn’t a particularly sad book but I found myself tearing up many times as I read this story. There are pages and pages of inspiring moments, moments that Blake has captured so beautifully that it almost feels like magic.

To see these two characters come together was a great thing to witness, not only because it was a well-done romance, but also because the both of them hard to overcome some real obstacles personally before they could ever make the jump in this relationship. I absolutely fell head over heels in love with Jeremy and Tamra and I think you will too if you gave it a chance.

Jeremy and Tamra’s romance was enough to get a 5 star rating from me but Blake surpasses that with Fletcher’s secondary story. She introduces a new character whom Fletcher, the more philosophical character of the group, finds enticing. Her presence causes him to step back and rethink his life and his decision to wait for his wife, Kim after four years of her disappearing. Some things happen that shake him, but I’m betting that the next book will be his and now more than ever, I am excited to see what will happen to him. utc-top-pick

Blake’s books are more than just your typical romance. There’s so much fun and laughter to be had, but at the root of it, Blake grounds her novels with inspiring, touching moments. I have no doubt that this book will be one of my favorites of the year.

Favorite Quote:

The night we kissed you said you couldn’t see me,” he said. “So… Guess I wanted to let you. See me.”




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