“Briggs is still able to keep the series fresh even after twelve books in the series.”
~ Under the Covers
A lot of interesting things are happening in book twelve of the Mercy Thompson series. With SMOKE BITTEN, one of the most worrying things about this book is the fact that Mercy and Adam are experiencing some marital problems. Because I’ve been a fan of this series from the very first book, this worries me. I’m a Romance author and when I see authors tinkering around with a happily-ever-after, I get kind of nervous. But I’m hoping that Briggs has a better plan in mind for her characters rather than messing with what she has so expertly created already.
This book has a slower pace to it, so it did take me a little longer to get into from the beginning. It has a bit of a mystery theme to it this time as Mercy tries to identify a monster. I’m sure readers will get a kick out of trying to figure it out before she does.
I’m still unsure if I like this book over some of the previous books in the series, but it definitely is different and that’s a good sign. It shows that Briggs is still able to keep the series fresh even after twelve books in the series and I know that when the next book comes out, I will be one of the first ones waiting to read it.
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Thanks Annie for the review