“Gin has reached a point where I feel like she is steady. So any obstacle or new adventure that comes her way doesn’t seem so dire anymore.”
~ Under the Covers
Jennifer Estep is back with another Elemental Assassin book. I wasn’t sure where exactly this series was going because there are so many books already in the series. However Estep seems to have a new idea each time. Despite this book being book eighteen in the series, I do think that it offers something different for readers.
First off, I have to say how I liked how true Gin has continued to be throughout this entire series. While I love seeing character development, Gin has reached a point where I feel like she is steady. So any obstacle or new adventure that comes her way doesn’t seem so dire anymore.
However, that is not to say that this book is lacking in action and suspense. In fact, there are a lot of interesting scenes for readers to devour. I think this book flew by so fast because I’m so used to the writing style now so it’s been a great pleasure to see Gin and the gang back in action.
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I’m glad that even with so many books, the stories are still new.
She’s done a good job with the series.
Thanks for the review Annie
Thanks for the review.