Kev Merripen has been with the Hathaway family for years. He’s helped them, he owes them his life. And he’s always been in love with sweet and delicate Winnifred.

I love the contrast in this couple.ย  Kev is strong, very alpha and domineering.ย  Win is much softer and calm, without being a wilting flower.ย  That was key in my liking this heroine.ย  She took charge of her life and fought her disease.ย  She went after the man she loved.ย  She sacrificed herself to protect her family.ย  Win was my favorite part of this book.ย  An awesome heroine!

Kev in one word is intense. But on the other hand was a bit of a jerk for half the book. In the end he redeems himself, talk about a tortured hero, and yes he has a heart of gold and loves fully and unconditionally, with passion.

When we find out his true background I might’ve had a tear or two in my eyes.ย  It made me so happy to see them all be part of a family and form bonds with each other.ย  Don’t want to give you a spoiler but this development in the story felt so perfect.

And of course, honorable mention has to go to Leo Hathaway and Miss Marks.ย  There’s that incorrigible rake and the feisty heroine that I’ve come to love to read about in Ms. Kleypas’ books.ย  I can’t wait to read Leo’s story.

Favorite Quote:

“All the fires of hell could burn for a thousand years and it wouldn’t equal what I feel for you in one minute of the day. I love you so much there is no pleasure in it. Nothing but torment. Because if I could dilute what I feel for you to the millionth part, it would still be enough to kill you. And even if it drives me mad, I would rather see you live in the arms of that cold, soulless bastard than die in mine.”

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  1. I think this might be my very favorite Lisa Kleypas book she has ever written. Kev was so intense. I loooved it! The doctor/boyfriend kinda thing that was going on got to be a little annoying, but I still think the book was amazing. ๐Ÿ™‚ Great review! I haven’t read this one in a couple of years, I’m going to need to hunt it up!
    The Brunette Librarian Blog

  2. This one was a great book and one of my fav’s of this series.. I just love anything Lisa Kleypas writes.. Wether it be Historical or a Contemporary book.. She keeps her readers wanting more…

  3. @Brunette Librarian, Timitra and Maria: Lisa Kleypas is just such a wonderful author!

    @Loupe, yes the audios for Kleypas are always great, this was as well!

    @Adria, I can’t wait for Leo’s story, I’ll have to get to it soon!

    @DiDi, you have to read it!
