“Melinda Leigh knows exactly how to craft a good mystery…”
~ Under the Covers

Defence attorney Morgan Dane and her fiancée PI Lance Kruger tackle a new case in Secrets Never Die. Evan, a teenage boy with a troubled past is on the run after returning home and to find his step-father being murdered. By a man with a police badge. Now Evan is a fugitive with no one to turn to. In the meantime, Lance and Morgan are working on finding Evan and solving the case, especially when Evan becomes the number one and only suspect.

This is one of my favourite mystery series, each book manages to tick all my boxes. It has a great cast of characters with a strong leading heroine; it has a little romance and finally it has a mystery that keeps you hooked into the story. Secrets Never Die is no different and I quickly devoured this book.

Melinda Leigh knows exactly how to craft a good mystery and I enjoyed reading this on unravel. As the title of the books suggests there were secrets to expose that led the book in some interesting directions. Although I wouldn’t say it kept me guessing to the end, it didn’t mean this book wasn’t exciting. There were gripping and dangerous tense moments that had me glued to the page.

But, it isn’t just the mystery that has me addicted to this series, Leigh also incorporates the interpersonal relationships of all the characters. The family life and romance of Morgan, Lance and a few other characters are important and lends this series a sense of warmth. Although this book rates at about a zero on the heat level, love is very much present throughout this book, and series.

If you are looking for an mystery that’s easy to dive into and has a little romance, then you need to give this book and series a try.


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  1. I absolutely agree that this ticks all the necessary boxes for a good story: the characters, the mystery, the relationships. They are all put together so well.