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“Know that when you start this series, it will not be a easy ride for the characters or for the reader. It’s a long, winding road filled with its ups and downs, its distractions as well as its enticements. But the journey is nonetheless thrill and all the more gripping because of it.” ~ Under the Covers

After five years of pining, Diana Gabaldon has finally released the next instalment to the Outlander saga. Rife with history, romance and angst, WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD holds true to what has made this series so massively popular and well-loved by readers. Gabaldon presents Jamie’s suffering in an unsympathetic way, outlining his year and pain that seems to have become an important part to the series. Jame is easily one of the most loved tortured heroes of our time.

Similarly, other characters experience their own times of anguish and pain, both of the spiritual, mental and physical manner. John, in particular, is put through the ringer and it makes me wonder if Gabaldon is a sadist at heart. There is no doubt that she enjoys torturing her heroes. But if I’m honest, it’s also one of the things I love about her writing. She never shies away from breaking them down and building them back up again. As a result, the characters feel more developed, enlivened and real. It all adds into making them memorable and epic.

As you can expect from a book that is more than 800 pages long, there is a ton of details, lots of musings and a lot of characters. Many of the secondary characters have now come to the forefront as displayed by the jump in times from 1778 Philadelphia of Jamie’s time to 1980 Scotland where Roger and Brianna are. With so many characters, the book becomes quite convoluted with plot twists, long drawn out narratives and an in depth look at character’s emotions. However, I believe that all this is part of the allure with this series. You can’t have read up to the eight book in the series to only discover now that you don’t like the style in which Gabaldon writes. Part of the reading experience is about waiting for that special part in that story that will blow you away.

Know that when you start this series, it will not be a easy ride for the characters or for the reader. It’s a long, winding road filled with its ups and downs, its distractions as well as its enticements. But the journey is nonetheless thrill and all the more gripping because of it.


outlanderBook 1 dragonfly in amberBook 2 voyagerBook 3 drums of autumnBook 4
fiery crossBook 5 breath of snow and ashesBook 6 echno in the boneBook 7 written in my own heart's bloodBook 8

Outlander: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
Dragonfly in Amber: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads Our Review
Voyager: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
Drums of Autumn: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
The Fiery Cross: Amazon Barnes & Noble | GoodReads 
A Breath of Snow and Ashes: Amazon Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
An Echo In the Bone: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
Written In My Own Heart’s Blood: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads


[about-author author=”Diana Gabaldon”]


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  1. That’s a very good way to encapsulate the feeling of the series. I can’t get to this one yet and its driving me nuts. I love her books.

  2. I’m not sure about this series….I love the time period (jamie’s) but I haven’t read a book with time hopping that I’ve thought was anything more than just ok :/